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 (02] 9760 1401


cutting board

Benefits of Cutting Board Reconditioning for Your Business

April 27, 2017

When cutting boards play a crucial role in your daily operations, they over time will develop cut marks from slicing, dicing and chopping various foods on them. The marks are problematic beyond how they make the boards look since they can harbour bacteria even after a thorough cleaning. Do not order new boards just for this reason, though, as there is another way to solve this problem. By reaping the benefits of the cutting board reconditioning services that our company provides to your business, you can restore the ideal condition of your boards and extend their lifespan. Read on to learn additional facts about these benefits.

1. Extends the life of present cutting boards. When you recondition your boards on a regular basis, you can receive months and even years more use from them depending upon their style and material makeup. Most boards can undergo resurfacing numerous times before you need to replace them.

2. Often, resurfacing will negate the need for purchasing new cutting boards before your budget allows. Since this service costs a fraction of what investing in new boards for cutting does, you can invest your savings in other areas of your business that need immediate improvement.

3. Ensures that your cutting boards will not harbor bacteria in the cut marks due to the fact that reconditioning removes these marks. Once again, you will be able to be confident that your boards are as sanitary for use as possible. The last thing you want is to contaminant food because of the inability to sanitise your cutting boards properly. This could lead to a temporary closure until you remedy the situation if the authorities are alerted.

4. Since our services are mobile, we come to you and therefore, we save you time. Our trucks contain all the equipment necessary to resurface and refinish your cutting boards on-site without the need to carry them back to our facilities. For this reason, using our services saves you downtime since we can schedule our visits in between your busiest times.

5. Another benefit of resurfacing your cutting boards is the fact that when the boards are in proper condition your knife blades will not dull as quickly as the blades will if they are used on rough, jagged board surfaces.

Take advantage of our cutting board reconditioning services today. Cutting Board Services Pty. Ltd., will bring our mobile services to your establishment at a time that is convenient to you. In addition, when you do require new ones, we sell high-quality European cutting boards of polyethylene that will not bend or warp.

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