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Easy Tips on How to Remove Stains from Plastic Cutting Boards

November 8, 2017

It is absolutely necessary to regularly sanitise and disinfect your plastic cutting boards, for health reasons, it isn’t difficult to do using simple to find household supplies. With regular use, food stains can appear on your cutting board, but most of these can be removed with cleaning.

Here are some household items that you can use to clean and remove food stains from your plastic cutting board:

Vinegar – this will disinfect your plastic cutting board and can remove most food stains. It is recommended to wipe vinegar on your cutting board after every use, the high acidity level will make sure that E. coli, Salmonella, and any other germs won’t contaminate your food, and to prevent food stains from developing.

Baking soda – use a tablespoon of this with your vinegar to scrub your plastic cutting board, removing tough food stains is easier using baking soda. Scrubbing with baking soda and vinegar will also effectively dislodge any micro food particles on your cutting board, thus preventing food stains from developing in the first place.

Hydrogen Peroxide – another effective household item that can be used to eliminate bacteria from your plastic cutting board because it is an excellent bacterial killer. It will stop rapid production of bacteria on your cutting board after cutting and slicing food like fish, chicken, and other meat.

Bleach – this will not only decontaminate your cutting board, but it will also wipe out bad odours too. Cutting boards will smell after dicing onions, chopping garlic, slicing fish, and other raw meats, but these odours can be removed and the stains these foods cause can be prevented, by using a sink brush and a solution of bleach and water (a teaspoon of bleach mixed with a litre of water).

While these easy tips on how to remove stains from plastic cutting boards will remove new light stains, stains that have penetrated a few layers down cannot be removed without resurfacing your cutting board.

Resurfacing Commercial Plastic Cutting Boards for Food Businesses

Quality plastic cutting boards that food businesses use become worn and stained over time, but in most cases, these do not need to be replaced with new ones because they can be professionally resurfaced instead. Resurfacing plastic cutting boards removes stains and returns them back to a brand new condition, at a fraction of the cost it would be to replace them.

For hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, commercial kitchens, or any food business that wants to resurface their quality plastic cutting boards, rather than having to buy new ones, much money can be saved by calling Cutting Board Services in Sydney. A mobile service will come out to your location that can resurface any size of commercial plastic cutting boards quickly and easily, and then reinstall them again as good as new.

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